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The Chakra spread

Understanding the Chakra Tarot Spread

The Essence of the Chakra Spread

The Chakra Tarot spread aligns each card position with a chakra, depicting influences, blockages, or advancements in the healing and completion of mind, body, and soul. It’s an excellent spread for those seeking self-honesty reassurance or clarity about their emotions and intentions.

Overview of the Seven Chakras

Before delving into the spread, let’s review the seven chakras. Each chakra’s location, influence, and associated aspects of your mind, body, and spirit are discussed.

The Root to Crown Chakras

The Root Chakra (Muladhara) to Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) cover a range of physical and spiritual aspects. From grounding and physical security with the Root Chakra to the divine connection of the Crown Chakra, each chakra plays a vital role in our overall wellbeing.

Laying Out the Cards

To perform the Chakra Spread, frame your question, take deep breaths, ask for guidance, shuffle the cards, and draw seven cards corresponding to each chakra. Interpret each card individually, then collectively, to understand the story they tell about your question.

The Seven Chakra Cards

Each card in the Chakra Spread signifies a different aspect, from the security issues underlying your situation (Root Chakra) to how the situation connects you with your higher soul (Crown Chakra).

Card 1: (rootchakra) signifies the security issues underlying your situation, the psysical energies beneath and behind things.

Card 2: (procreative chakra) signifies the energy and inspiration to create, the creative energies available to you.

Card 3: (solar plexus chakra) signifies the personal acknowledgement, gratification, renown, or satisfaction you’re seeking from this situation.

Card 4: (heart chakra) signifies the love, devotion, and/or duty that is motivating you or this situation.

Card 5: (throat chakra) signifies how this situation is offering you the opportunity to creatively express higher knowledge and wisdom.

Card 6: (brow chakra) signifies the highest truth (and your intuition) about this situation.

Card 7: (crown chakra) signifies how this situation is connecting you with your higher soul, spirit, Self.

Verbind je chakra's met de wijsheid van tarot. Ontdek hoe deze unieke legging je energiecentra in balans kan brengen en spirituele afstemming kan bevorderen.

Root Chakra (Mudlahara)

Situated at the base of your spine, between your sexual organs and rectum.

The root chakra influences you feet and organs of elimination.

This chakra is linked with your need for grounding or physical security – how you meet your basic physical needs; establishing and regulating your basic behavior patterns associated with survival; connecting with your physical surroundings andbody. How wel you accept and work with and within the limits of the world and society. An awareness that your physical body is a tool for doing spiritual work.

Procreative Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Situated below your navel.

This Chakra influences your sex glands and sex organs..

This chakra is coupled with your sex drive – you biological drive for living and procreated – because after you’ve got the basics down, you start having other desires. It is linked with imagining the forms these pleasures may take. it’s also linked with using “the drive to survive” for procreation, as well as for bringing your ‘other children’, your dreams and desires (creative inspirations), into the world.

Chakra Solar Plexus (manipura)

Situated at your solar plexus, the area of the abdomen just below your sternum.

Your solar plexus chakra influences your digestive organs, hips and legs.

This chakra correspondends with developing your personality/ego and identifications in the world. Attending to gaining personal power and recognition. Satisfying you plans, dreams and desires, with little or no thought about if and how your actions may impact others.

Heart Chakra (anahata)

Situated at the middle of your chest.

This chakra influences your heart and lungs.

This chakra is connected with unconditional love; selflessness, spiritual devotion and bliss. Awareness of your role in life and the potential power of your actions and your motivation to live a balanced life.

Throat chakra (visuddha)

Situated at your throat.

This chakra influences your organs of speech and hearing, thyroid gland, shoulders and arms.

This chakra is associated with walking your talk – integrating and creatively expressing your knowledge of higher truth through your values and actions. Receiving communications and communicating to others.

Brow Chakra (ajna)

Situated at the space between your eyebrows.

The Ajna influences your pineal gland, left brain (intellect), and right brain (intuition and psychic perceptions)..

This chakra is paired with your insight (wisdom) and foresight (inner knowingness).  The past and present coming together. Non dualistic consciousness, infinite perception, and truth. 

Crown Chakra (sahasrar)

Situated at the crown of your head, or just a bit above.

The crown chakra influences your connection with the divine (your higher soul, spirit, Self. Your impersonal and infinite reality).

This chakra is conjoined with effortlessly opening and subordinating your personal will to divine will. Letting go. Impersonal cosmic energy entering and becoming personal energy for you. 

Laying out the cards:

  1. Frame your question.
  2. Take several deep breaths and ask for guidance and direction.
  3. Mix or shuffle the cards in whatever way works for you. While mixing, mentally repeat your question.
  4. Turn over seven cards, one to correspond with each chakra.
  5. Interpret the meaning of the seven cards..
  6. After reading each card individually, put your story together. Each card is like a sentence in a story, together you get the whole story. What does your story suggest about your question?
  7. Consider creating an affirmation about the attitude you’re intending to take from the reading into your life situation.

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