The 22 major arcana cards

Understanding the Major Arcana
The term ‘arcana’ is intriguing. It’s the plural form of ‘arcanum,’ derived from the Latin word ‘arcanus,’ meaning ‘closed’ or ‘secret.’ ‘Arcana’ also originates from the French word ‘arca,’ which translates to ‘chest, box, container, or ark.’
Both ‘arcana’ and ‘arcanum’ signify ‘the mystery of mysteries,’ the ultimate secret behind hermetic arts and sciences such as tarot, astrology, numerology, alchemy, and sacred geometry.
In simpler terms, ‘arcana’ refers to a chest or container of sacred secrets. The addition of ‘major’ indicates that the major arcana is a significant container of these sacred secrets.
The Major Arcana in Tarot
In tarot, ‘arcana’ refers to a whole group of cards, whether it’s the 22 major or 56 minor arcana cards. ‘Arcanum’ is used when referring to a specific card, like the Wheel of Fortune or the Five of Cups.
The major arcana cards are also known as major trumps. In card games, trump cards are those of a suit that outrank all others.
Interpreting the Major Arcana Cards
- The Fool: Embarking on a new journey, The Fool represents spontaneity, unpredictability, and a sense of adventure.
- The Magician: Symbolizing manifestation and resourcefulness, The Magician encourages you to utilize your skills and tools to achieve your goals.
- The High Priestess: Representing intuition and mystery, The High Priestess encourages you to trust your instincts and heed your inner voice.
- The Empress: Symbolizing fertility, creativity, and love, The Empress encourages nurturing and embracing natural beauty.
- The Emperor: Representing authority and structure, The Emperor encourages discipline, leadership, and stability.
- The Hierophant: Symbolizing tradition and conformity, The Hierophant encourages you to follow established social structures and moral codes.
- The Lovers: Representing love, harmony, and partnership, The Lovers encourage mutual respect and understanding.
- The Chariot: Symbolizing determination and willpower, The Chariot encourages you to assert control and strive for your goals.
- Strength: Representing courage and inner strength, Strength encourages patience, control, and self-confidence.
- The Hermit: Symbolizing introspection and solitude, The Hermit encourages self-reflection and seeking inner wisdom.
- Wheel of Fortune: Representing cycles and fate, the Wheel of Fortune encourages acceptance of the ups and downs of life.
- Justice: Symbolizing fairness and truth, Justice encourages you to seek balance and strive for fairness and truth in your life.
- The Hanged Man: Representing sacrifice and letting go, The Hanged Man encourages you to release old patterns and perspectives.
- Death: Symbolizing transformation and change, Death encourages letting go of the old to make way for new opportunities.
- Temperance: Representing balance and moderation, Temperance encourages patience and harmonious relationships.
- The Devil: Symbolizing temptation and materialism, The Devil encourages you to confront your fears and overcome obstacles.
- The Tower: Representing upheaval and chaos, The Tower encourages embracing change as a means of transformation.
- The Star: Symbolizing hope and inspiration, The Star encourages optimism and finding light in the darkness.
- The Moon: Representing illusion and intuition, The Moon encourages you to trust your intuition and acknowledge your subconscious desires.
- The Sun: Symbolizing joy and success, The Sun encourages positivity, vitality, and self-confidence.
- Judgement: Representing rebirth and inner calling, Judgement encourages self-evaluation and reflection on your life’s purpose.
- The World: Symbolizing completion and accomplishment, The World encourages fulfillment, harmony, and a sense of wholeness.
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