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Oracle card; Align your life Soul Retrieval

Orakelkaart Inkeer - Mystieke Sjamanen Orakel


Soul Retrieval is a practice that helps you reclaim parts of yourself—your energy, enthusiasm, or innocence—that you’ve lost. Initially, it’s used to recover from hurts and heal childhood wounds. Eventually, we learn to journey to recover our original nature—the self that still resides in the Garden of Eden, communicating with rivers, trees, and the divine. When we return to Eden, we achieve wholeness.

The Invitation of Soul Retrieval

You’re no longer fragmented; you’re one with Creation. You’ve healed the source of your pain, so there’s no need to dwell on it. If you’re still focusing on an old wound, find a new path. Don’t get distracted by the small stuff you’ve already mastered. Aim for the big one—the journey back to Eden.

The Medicine of Soul Retrieval

Reflect on when you compromised your beliefs to be loved or accepted by someone. Look back on your life and identify these times. Make a vow never to compromise your integrity again. If you’ve agreed to something you know is deeply wrong in the name of love, make it right immediately.

© Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards, Colette Baron-Reid, Marcella Lobos, Alberto Villoldo

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