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Daily Lenormand Card Reading, the Snake

Deciphering the Snake in Jeu Lenormand

The Dual Symbolism of the Snake

The Snake in Jeu Lenormand carries dual symbolism. On one hand, it represents baser instincts and temptation. On the other, it signifies higher development, wisdom, and healing power.

The Snake as a Harbinger of Misfortune

The Snake is often seen as a sign of bad luck, with the severity determined by its distance from the person’s card. It typically brings with it elements of hypocrisy, betrayal, and loss.

The Snake’s Dittology

The Snake’s dittology, or double meaning, serves as both a warning against succumbing to ‘baser instincts’ and an encouragement towards higher development, akin to the snake on Asclepius’s rod, a symbol of healing and medicine. This dual message of warning and encouragement can often apply simultaneously!

 © Lenormandkaarten Koppenhol Uitgeverij

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