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  3. The Mice – Lenormand Card Meaning

The Mice – Lenormand Card Meaning


The Mice card represents loss, anxiety, and hidden troubles. It symbolizes the slow erosion of something valuable, whether it’s trust, resources, or peace of mind. However, it also highlights resilience and the ability to recover from setbacks.

The Mice’s Position

When the Mice card appears close to the querent, it indicates recoverable losses or temporary worries. If it is farther away, the loss may be more significant or irreparable. Surrounded by negative cards, it warns of deceit, theft, or betrayal that requires immediate attention.

The Mice in Modern Interpretation

In contemporary readings, the Mice card serves as a cautionary symbol. It suggests the presence of subtle threats, such as secretive behaviors, broken trust, or false allies. The card encourages vigilance and a careful assessment of the situation to avoid further damage.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • How can I protect what is valuable to me?
  • What is being “eaten away” in my life, and how can I address it?
  • Are there hidden threats or negative influences I need to confront?

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