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  3. The Lady – Lenormand Card Meaning

The Lady – Lenormand Card Meaning


The Lady card in the Lenormand deck represents the female querent or an important woman in the seeker’s life. It symbolizes femininity, intuition, and emotional depth. Its significance often depends on its position within the spread and the surrounding cards.

The Lady’s Position

For a female querent, the Lady card acts as the main representative, offering insight into her current situation and emotional state. For male seekers, it may symbolize a partner, a significant female figure, or even an idealized version of “Mrs. Right.”

The Lady’s Dual Nature

The Lady card also reflects the feminine aspects within every individual, regardless of gender. It invites balance by embracing traits such as empathy, creativity, and sensitivity, which are essential for personal growth and relationships.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Who is the key female influence in my life right now, and what does her presence signify?
  • What role does femininity play in my current situation?
  • How can I honor my intuitive and emotional side?

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