Oracle card; Align you life

What is not aligned or needs to change?
What aspects of your life no longer resonate with your true self? We are beings of cycles, constantly evolving and growing. Change is one of life’s only certainties. When you resist your cyclic nature, you resist life itself and feel stuck.
Shedding the Facade
Many of us have learned to conform to what the world expects us to be. However, there comes a time when maintaining this facade becomes harder than embracing our true selves. It’s about surrendering to our changes and aligning our lives with our current state of being.
Embracing Authenticity
If you’ve drawn this card, you’re being called to let go of your past self or the things that once defined you – the job, the relationship, the mask you wore – and to embrace your true self now. It’s about courageously stepping into the person you were meant to be, in full authenticity. Embrace your uniqueness and your quirks.
Perhaps you’ve outgrown certain relationships or circumstances. It’s time to reassess and align all aspects of your life so they’re congruent with who you truly are today.
Work Your Light Inquiry
What in your life is not aligned or needs to change?
© Work your light oracle, Rebecca Campbell
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