Theresa Reed
Theresa Reed is a world-renowned Tarot reader and expert who has been reading Tarot—and teaching Tarot to curious students—for over 30 years.
Theresa picked up her first deck at age 15 and started doing readings for herself and her sister (primary topic: cute boys!). She’s been Tarot-obsessed ever since. She’s also passionate about astrology and loves to help entrepreneurs use it for business strategizing.
She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book, Astrology for Real Life (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious), Tarot: No Questions Asked - Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading, and the co-author of Tarot For Troubled Times. She loves helping beginners to get confidently acquainted with Tarot and Astrology, and her straightforward teaching style helps students feel empowered right away. Students call her lessons “brilliant” and “practical,” and Mary Greer, one of the world’s foremost Tarot scholars, calls her “modern, no-nonsense, street-savvy with a generous and soulful heart.”
In addition to doing private Tarot readings, teaching courses, and speaking at Tarot conferences and workshops, Theresa also runs a popular website and blog——where she dishes out advice, inspiration, and tips for Tarot and astrology lovers of all experience levels. She also hosts two podcasts: Tarot Bytes and Astrology Bytes.
Theresa believes that the purpose of Tarot and Astrology is to help you identify creative solutions to life’s many challenges, make wiser decisions, and lead a happier life.
For Theresa, the mystical arts are tools for self-empowerment, reminding you that you are always in charge of your decision-making and your destiny. The cards tell a story—but you write the ending.
You can find Theresa online at and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She would love to connect with you, help you to begin—or continue—your Tarot education, and hopefully spark a lifelong Tarot + Astrology obsession!