Next Generation Tarot by Sophie McKay Knight is a modern and innovative deck that offers a fresh take on traditional tarot.
Sophie McKay Knight
Next Generation Tarot
€ 20,00
The Painted Runes deck SALE
Sophie McKay Knight’s Painted Runes Deck resonates with ancient symbols, bringing forward a harmonious blend of art and mysticism. Accompanied by a detailed booklet, it’s your portal to esoteric knowledge.
€ 49,95 € 37,50
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The Painted Tarot
The Painted Tarot is a 78-card deck with original full-scale paintings by Sophie McKay Knight. The cards are impressionistic and dreamy, and they often feature natural landscapes and flowers. The Major Arcana cards are particularly striking, with images of figures such as the Fool, the Magician, and the Empress.
€ 54,99